
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Scope Creep


 I was working on an IMI on digital literacy and it was to have 3 learning object history of the internet, breakdown of a URL, and level of the internet. This was supposed to be just an introduction into what the Army calls Publicly available information.  It was to be followed by other IMIs that would go more in depth with internet searches and internet threats and how to disguise your IP Address.  So, I write my scripts and sent it to the SME (who is also my boss) he come back with edits and adds more content adding in things like echo chambering, digital footprint, introducing digital treating and digital counter measures. I ask for a meeting to discuss the changes and was politely told that it was clear in the email what needed to be changed. So, I made the changes in when on to the storyboarding process. So, once I had the IMI storyboarded, I sent the story bord out for review to my team and again it came back from the SME with more content added this time it was add these 5 videos from YouTube. I Wrote back an email stating that we couldn’t add videos from YouTube due to copywrite issues and it would put out the impression that the US army was endorsing those channels. I was told again the email was clear and to just add a disclaimer that the views in the videos were not supported by the Army. (But were in Army Training) with this I referred it to my contractor project manager and was told well he’s the government do what he says so I did. So, I complete the IMI I turn out the Alpha product for testing and you guessed it more content added at this point in testing to should just be glitching and bugs being found maybe a miss spelled word not adding content. So this time because the previous times I had pushed back and had no help I just added the content. This IMI that was supposed to take 3 months start to finish ended up taking 7 months start to finish with multiple revision and edits art needing to be redone.

To help with this particular type of scope creep I would have the SME also the director of the section because nobody wanted to tell him no. I brought this up multiple time that if it was any other SME that as a team would have shut it down. But from my first line supervisor to my PM I kept getting he’s the boss just does what he says. If the Boss has to bee the SME that have to be open to the idea that their idea isnt always going to be the right one and they have to set their pride aside.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Estimating Costs and Allocating Resources


First website

This website is useful because it does go into detail on several techniques that can be used for cost estimation a technique. As well as some other sites that you can use to help with your estimations.


Second website

Smartsheet was useful it is a useful software that allows you to organize a project that in turn allows to properly assess a budget for your project.


My biggest issues with cost estimations are the fear of overestimating and being the company the company that comes in to high and is instantly eliminated from contention. And on the flipside low balling the offer and the fear of operating in a deficit and overworking a team just to secure a job or contract. Lucking for me in the position I am in with my company I have been ask only a few times to give an estimate and it is usually on the time it will take to get something done and not the cost associated with it. And never with a whole project.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Project Schedule and Estimating Activity Duration

So, the sites I have decide to include are ones that I use on a regular basis to help me at work when Using JIRA, a project management software. The software allows for easing tracking of tasks during a project and allowing for easy communication between team members. For me it is great because I am on remote work so I don’t work with the rest of my team so I can go to Jira and see what my team has done and what I need to do. As when as what tasks my team are waiting on me to complete so they can continue.  The site also have some video on how to use the software which was very helpful when I first started at my company when I started back in March of this year.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Communicating Effectively



To me the email comes off as pushy. Jane knows mark has been busy with an all-day meeting but still is like shrugs that off. Jane them mentions that she will miss her deadline if the deadline is missed. She again is just disregarding Marks projects and only cares about her own. Then Jane goes on to state that he needs to send 2 separate emails.

Personal Opinions:

If I were to get this email my first reaction would be anger because of the disrespect of my time and projects. I would be anger that even know Jane knows I am busy she still is demanding that I give her the information to finish her project on time. Even though I might have a project of my own that I am trying to finish.


Much like the email it comes off as cold as she is disregarding Marks time and his projects. Her tone seems aggravated and short. The emphasis that she needs it comes through as snarky.

Person Opinions:

This like the email would have me angry just the tone in which the voice mail is left is not inviting or welcoming.


This one is better because you can see her body language and facial expressions which, so she is worried and is trying to just get information put out that she need.

Personal Opinions

I mush prefer face to face communication even if it a video chat because you can see the person. By seeing them you can gage the whole picture.



When writing email or sending text message there is a lot that can be lost in translation as you can’t tell tone in a text or email (Ask in Person, n.d.). This loss of detail in communication can lead to mis understanding and confusion. I would say that when you write a text or email that you reread what you wrote just to make sure it doesn’t come off as harsh or demanding. I would suggest reading the email outload to your self to check tone. When leaving voice mail be care of the tone when you are speaking as the listener just has your turn and words for context. IF the topic you are taking about is important to I project I suggest a face-to face meeting or video chat. This way the lister can your tone, body language, and words to get a better video of the whole picture.



Ask in person: You’re less persuasive than you think over email | Elsevier Enhanced Reader. (n.d.).



Sunday, November 13, 2022

Post Mortem Analysis for Publicly Available information – Digital Literacy Module


Project Title:

Publicly Available information – Digital Literacy Module


Date Prepared:


Project Overview:

·         To create an Adobe Captivate E-Learning Module

·         Provide bas instruction What the internet is and how is it used and how to protect yourself when searing for Open-Source Intelligence

·         Attend the Annual PAI meeting at the intelligence Center of excellence.

·         After the meeting asses what topics need to be in the E-learning.

Key Accomplishments:

·         The E-learning team create a E-learning module that met all the Army’s requirements.

·         Project was completed before deadline

·         E-learning was posted to the Army Training Network.

Key Problem Areas:

·         Due to SMEs being spread across multiple agencies and states. Getting the identified content was a challenge at times.

·         The Government furnished computer would lag and overheat causing the loss of products that were mad and had to be recreated.

·         The review process for every step along the way was drawn out again due to reviewed being in multiple states and agencies.

·         Sending files to SME’s had to be done through the Army Safe file transfer network this made it more difficult as the file size was restricted on the program.

·         ID didn’t not have the proper security clearance to attend the Annual PAI Briefing.

Post Project Tasks/Future Considerations

·         Set- Up review meetings at the end of every phase. This meeting should involve all SMEs, ID and PM., If people can’t make it in person, they should Teams in so that the reviews can me done with everyone present and the minutes can be recorded.

·         Try to have government update computers to prevent delays in research and development.

·         Ensure that if a certain security clearance is needed to attend a meeting that all those that need to attend have that clearance.



Loayan, S. (2022). 6 steps for successful postmortem meetings. Asana. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Distance Learning's Future

 Where do I see Distance learning in 5-10 years?

            I believe that as time goes on Distance leaning will continue to grow and that it will replace face-to face learning as the standard. Even now the Department of Defense is spending millions of dollars to convert trainings once only taught in person to distance learning modules (Journal of Military Learning ,2022). This shows distance learning as an effective means of teaching students. Because as we all know the government is the last to adopt any technology. Distance learning will become the predominate way of instruction in the future as well because of cost. Distance learning is cheaper because it doesn’t require a campus or building to be taught. As we see the price of things increase and inflation continue to rise providing effective training at lower cost will become very important.


How can you as an instructional designer be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning?

Instructional designers are pivotal in the acceptance of distance learning. By using sound instructional design theories and practices they can show that distance learning can be as effective as face- to-face learning or better. Instructional designers must take the time to develop learning that will harness students’ attention and motivate them (Zhang & Lockee, 2022). This means staying up to date on emerging technologies and not just creating death by PowerPoint presentations. As instructional designer it is our role to push the envelope of instruction strive to make what is good today great tomorrow.


How will you be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education?

For me I will continue as a Captivate developer to push the boundaries of the software I use to create immersive distance learning modules. I will also always fight for instruction that is educationally sound even if it means pushing back on short product deadlines and hard to work with SME’s. As an instructional designer I must produce instruction that is instructionally sound as well as being creative. This at times can be a burden when fighting the lets just get it done and fix it later that a lot of customers that I have seen because they don’t understand Distance learning.



Journal of Military Learning, 4(2), 1–112. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Zhang, Q., & Lockee, B. B. (2022). Designing a Framework to Facilitate Metacognitive Strategy Development in Computer-Mediated Problem-Solving Instruction. Journal of Formative Design in Learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Scope Creep

    I was working on an IMI on digital literacy and it was to have 3 learning object history of the internet, breakdown of a URL, and level ...